3-11-22 End of Days
That is to say normal days, those days of what we know as normal are gone. Yes it’s the end of the world as we know it.
I was just nudged to get up from my studies today and watch a specific news channel which is called Newsmax and it was a 30 second segment on a clip of a large group of kids all ages, mostly around 10 or so, saying a pledge of allegiance to a rainbow flag vowing to serve the pride community or at least something to that effect.
God so quickly showed me moving fast forward how the Devil is going to devour our kids soul for all of eternity. Right now as I write this it is 5:44 on 3-10-22 and God impressed upon me to let you know that tomorrow 3-11-22 a domino will fall that we will all look back and know that tomorrow starts the absolute destruction that this planet has never seen.
Why God? I asked. He explained the numbers to me.
- 3 = The Trinity of God, God Son and Holy Spirit
- 11 = Chaos of the Devil
- 2022 = 6 = Son of Man
I know your wondering how does 11 = Chaos. Once you understand the Bible and its repeating patterns and numbers (basically the code of the Bible) you know that God is perfect and orderly and is represented by the number 12…The Satan number is 11 which means confusion, chaos and out or order. So your next question might be how do you get 2022 = 6 son of man. Again it is spelled out in His WORDS that God being perfect his number is 7 He made all of His creations and his creation on the 6th day he made Adam and from Adam He made Eve..so 6 means us humans and the 7th day God rested. This is why 7 is God’s number.
The whole universe is math. It is really that simple.
So for this reason Satan has his number he can manifest thru to take down man…Satan HATES HUMANS AND ALL OF GODS CREATION. Satan is hell bent on taking us all to hell with him and he stupidly still thinks he can defeat God. Such a loser!!!
So tomorrow is the perfect day to try and show his might against the Trinity = 3 to start HELL ON EARTH = 11 meaning chaos and confusion to all Humans = 6
We are all in for the total annihilation of life as we know it…Earth changes the like that has never been seen. Worse of all sadly we will see all the people more importantly the kids begin to worship the Dragon of Chaos in a million ways daily just like the gay camps that now our children are going to instead of good ole summer camps or better yet Church Camps which I attended in my youth which is how I initially was baptized. I remember being called to walk down the long aisle after a service one summer day and ask to be born again in Christ our Lord. For this reason I believe Jesus did find me once again after the Devil had captured me for the last 30 years. I know we will look back next week, next month, next year and will see whatever bomb is going to drop tomorrow on the planet the Devil and his Fallen Angels are being released to take the souls of our kids.
The Great Deception is under way and I pray you do not BUY THEIR LIES…IT’S THE REAL SNAKE OIL